Saturday, 11 August 2012

Rio+20: Indigenous people rejects Green Economy

Today I witnessed 2 protests of different scales inside the UN conference compound. Earlier, there was a group of 25 indigenous people from Brazil, Philippines, United States, Guatemala, Argentina and Mexico caught the attention of participants of Rio+20. With songs and shouts, paintings and costumes, they gathered near the symbols of the event flags at RioCentro to deliver the Kari-Oca 2 Declaration.Another 400 Indians could not get in- were trapped in the barrier of soldiers, a few meters from the entrance  of main pavilion. 

Windel Bulinget from Philipplines reiterated that the green economy can not be seen as a solution, it is the cause of the problem, and REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) is the heart of the green economy. Windel Bulinget invited all civil society to protect and promote their rights in harmony with nature, solidarity, community, and values ​​such as caring and sharing. If the UN want to create a just world, they need to listen to the voice of Indians about balance and sustainability. 
In the 20 recommendations of indigenous people to the Rio+20, one of them is the inclusion of 'Culture' as the fourth pillar of sustainable development. 

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